Learning and enjoying tasting: The tasting

Tuesday December 20th, 2011

The world of the wine for everybody

The world of the wine for everybody

We know the world of the wine  often intimidates people. Because of that, we have encourage ourselves to finish with this tendency and to discover you a world much easier than it seems. So we decided to create this kind of online course to analyze with several articles different aspects about wine and tasting. In this way, the next time you face up to a new wine, it won´t have any secrets for you. Are you ready?

The tasting:

Tasting is the most important step in getting to know more and more about a wine. The educated tasting of a wine is a combination of knowledge, experience and learning the disciplined use of our four senses to be able to identify all the features within a wine, positive or negative, with the purpose of being able to recognize and judge them. So the main objective when tasting a wine is simply to analyze all the feelings than the wine is going to give us when we taste it.  So, despite appearances, tasting a wine is actually something rather easy.

Tasting a wine is not just an activity for sommeliers, winemakers or tasting professionals, but something which, all of us, whether we are at home, or out for dinner can take advantage of by using all our senses to fully experience each bottle we open.

The appreciation of a wine is not a privilege of just a few individuals, but rather one anybody who enjoys wine can experience. Wine tasting is not nearly as difficult as perhaps one might think. You only have to follow few straight forward steps to reach your goal and make the tasting of a wine a really worthwhile experience.

Once we know a little bit more about the tasting, in the next article we will talk about the different types of tastings. Do you know what a vertical tasting is? What about a horizontal one? Discover it in the next article of Learning and Enjoying tasting.

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