
Monday August 12th, 2013

Social corporative responsability

Social corporative responsability

Bodegas Martín Códax was born does already more than 25 years thanks to the effort and unrests of 50 wine growers. Nowadays, nearly 600 families collaborate with us.

In this sense, in Bodegas Martín Códax we always have this present and do not forget our responsibility towards the Valley of the Salnés: improving the quality of life of the community. Intending this goal, it does now almost 10 years was created a company of integral wine services the arrangement of all the associated people and collaborators of the cellar, which covered activities of prune, paid, management of ground… Nowadays, we were a lot further on and a bag of employment for associates and relatives with the aim of encouraging the work among these people was created.

In the face of the current economic location an increase of the number of people that start again to work in familiar exploitations was produced, that on the other hand when it being about minifunds, do not require many hours of work. Because of that, from Bodegas Martín Códax, we think that creating a bag of employment would be a good solution since it allows to work these people not only in his own crops but in foreign crops generating an additional income, redeeming the use of his machineries and with the final profit of optimizing all the wine-yielding management.

A new projecto that we start to develop this year and that is still in his first phases but who already is having great success and welcome among our associates.

  1. HOLA! me dirijo a vosotros porque me gustaria trabajar como en anteriores campañas, ahora busco un trabajo estable y me gustaria formar parte de vuestra plantilla fija. Estoy a vuestra entera disposicion para cualquier tipo de trabajo dentro de la bodega. Me gusta el puesto de carretillero y ayudante de bodega y tengo meses de experiencia. Un gran saludo y espero respuesta. vivo en cacabelos, leon GRACIAS!!!

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Principal authors in Bodegas Martín Códax
  • codax
    40 thoughts
  • Manuel Ferreiro
    2 thoughts
  • Multihomespain
    2 thoughts
  • Sole
    2 thoughts
  • Alejandro Martínez
    1 thought
  • alicia bará
    1 thought